Con la copertina di Roger Olmos, illustratore conosciuto anche per il suo impegno a favore degli animali.

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I LAGOMORFI, ovvero l’incredibile storia di come una bambina e la sua ombra salvarono il mondo dal Virus Invisibile



LINGUA: Italiano

EDITORE: Tomolo Edizioni

COLLANA: Anime bambine

PAG. 76

PREZZO: € 12,00

ISBN: 9788862056808


Un paesino di pianura avvolto dallo smog. Un nemico invisibile che minaccia il nostro mondo. Mille lagomorfi da strappare alle grinfie di spietati sonnambuli con il solo aiuto di un’ombra ineffabile e un padre vagabondo. Codici segreti e rompicapo da decifrare, una Mastrega da raggirare, labirinti sotterranei dove ritrovare la strada perduta e un cancello arrugginito che ci separa dall’ignoto da oltrepassare, vicini spioni che lanciano maledizioni da dietro le finestre, apparizioni e metamorfosi, fiori che sanno mantenere segreti, bolle arcobaleno che escono dai camini, un’isola incantata da raggiungere a bordo di una macchina volante. Un’avventura caleidoscopica vissuta attraverso gli occhi di una bambina che fa dei suoi sogni e dei suoi ideali un’arma invincibile contro la paura e le ingiustizie del nostro tempo. Una storia per grandi e piccini che amano queste straordinarie e misteriose creature.

The story of Marta, a 12‐year‐old mystery hunter, begins in Casaolmo, a little lowland town shrouded in smog, on the first spring day of the year 2020, when her big‐bottomed neighbor brings her as a gift a strange creature, a fluffy lagomorph with a two‐tone tuft: confined to the garden by Mum‐Witch, however, on a stormy night Tuft disappears. Marta thus begins, on his trail, an underground journey that will take her to the gates of a desolate factory with a thin smokestack spewing smog: here she meets a mysterious Shadow Boy who guides her inside the Infernal Factory, where Tuft has snuck off in search of Muzzle and where a thousand other lagomorphs like her are held captive by sinister big men in white coats.

Meanwhile, in Casaolmo, the inhabitants can no longer leave their homes because a dangerous Virus roams the plain, becoming increasingly invisible (and invincible) as the smog spreads. Back home safe with Tuft and Muzzle, Marta cannot stop thinking about the Shadow Boy and the thousand prisoners, and to succeed in freeing them, she will have to overcome many obstacles: coded messages to decipher, a mother‐witch and spy neighbors cursing from behind windows to deceive, a Pied Piper to flush out, a rusty gate to pass through into the unknown, and a fabled island to be reached by a flying machine…Just as she soars through the clouds above the Island, Marta realizes that the smog is actually an unstoppable cloud of black butterflies, the souls of nameless Lagomorphs forgotten in the Infernal Factories scattered across the plain.

Having landed on the Island with Tuft, Muzzle and the Thousand, Marta meets Shadow again, who at the command of the boys who inhabit the redwoods is planning about to free all the Lagomorphs of the plain: The Shadow boys however, subjugated by the Invisible Virus, returning to the island on rafts with the Lagomorphs freed from the Infernal Factories, would like to keep them in cages and sacrifice them all to him in order to end the world. As the forest burns along with the dens and the Thousand flee through the underground tunnel duged by Muzzle, all seems lost…but thanks to the help of the blackbirds and the herons and, of course, the inseparable Tuft, Marta succeeds in the feat of save the world rescuing the Lagomorphs, who set sail on a Super‐raft towards Luz, the City of Light.

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